For the last few years, I’ve posted bucket lists for the year to come on here and updates of how many I managed to tick off. (2017’s “how I did” is here if you fancy a read!) So why would 2019 be any different huh?! Well, I must say that I’ve not achieved some of the more simple ones from my list which is a little bit of a shocker. (Maybe I should print out or put 2019s bucket list in my diary to remind myself?) But, never the less it’s interesting to look at how many of the 30 things on my 2018 bucket list I actually managed to achieve. Or at least make headway towards…
- Complete a month-long makeup spend ban. Well, okay I’m putting this as complete because minus replacing my foundation while going through the World Duty Free in Gatwick I managed to not spend any money on makeup in December – even with the sales!
- Go on at least four short breaks, preferably abroad. I’m putting this as a yes if you factor in a few overnight hotel stays (such as Bloc, in Ibis Styles Ealing and of course Holiday Inn J4 M4) along with two trips to Denmark. One I wrote about in two parts (Koge & Copenhagen) and the other was a relaxing one with family.
- Make my wardrobe more “me” and donate anything I don’t wear. Not sure if it’s more “me” as such, but I did get rid of loads I didn’t wear when I moved house.
- Write more informal, diary-style posts about what I’ve been up to. I’m gonna put this down as a winner as I restarted writing “hometown tourist” posts about places such as Shoreditch, continued on with my 5 Happy Things and Little Things monthly posts and a few more travel diaries too!
- Learn to cook more meals from scratch. Now Sunday night is my “prep your lunches for work” time. I mean, I’m hardly Gordon Ramsey but I certainly did cook more. (And, even discovered a few new favourites like this vegan pineapple curry).
- Feel more confident in taking photos of myself. If I’m honest, this is one I thought would land in maybe at best. So I can’t tell you all how happy I am that this is a big fat yet. I mean, just look at my ‘gram, my face is on there more than ever before. Woohoo!
- Aim to hit 10,000 steps almost every day. 2018 was the year I got an Apple watch and became even more obsessed with counting my steps.
- Book a bottomless brunch or two! Stu, George and I went to Bunga Bunga for a bottomless pizza brunch before Bianca Del Rio. What a day that was!
Almost There!
- Keep my planner up to date (and utilise it more!). For the first part of the year yes, for the second, not so much. But, I’ve got a new one for 2019 and I’m on a mission to make sure I actually use it to its full potential!
- Lose around 10% more of my body weight. I did keep off the pounds and lose a few more, but not that amount I’d originally wanted to.
- Have a unique afternoon tea, maybe on the BBakery Afternoon Tea bus?. I did go for a lovely one with my mum at Cafe Rouge, but I don’t quite know if I can call it “unique” in the same way the afternoon tea bus is…
- Read at least one book a month. I managed to read around 10 books from the looks of my Kindle app. Close, but not one a month.
- Sort and streamline my makeup collection. I thought this would be one I’d struggle with but I actually got rid of a lot of my palettes (Hello, do I need several palettes with the same nude colour story? No.). However, my lipstick collection is another story. So I’ll put this down as an almost…
- Moisturise and cleanse every single day. Admittedly, when I didn’t it was because I was away and didn’t pack it or when I had been out for a few too many. So I can’t really put it as a total win!
- See more theatre/musicals, more than in 2017 would be incredible. Okay, so I did start the year off with Dick Whittington in January followed by Book Of Mormon and Wicked later in the year. But, not more than 2017 sadly.
- Treat myself and unwind a face mask once a week. I mean, it was more in my old place. I haven’t actually done one since moving. Oops.
- Make more effort to connect with old friends. Does doing so on Instagram count?!
- Dedicate more time to my blog and hopefully fall back in love with blogging. I had a few breaks due to various reasons. Firstly, I was hacked, then I was moving house but towards the end of the year, I did really remember exactly why I started and find my mojo again!
- Remember to always say “yes” if I want to and not let self-doubt hold me back! I’m only putting this as a “maybe” due to the fact I think I could have done more…
Maybe Next Year…
Brave walking over the glass floor on Tower Bridge.I did intend to book this, but it slipped my mind. Oops. Maybe in 2019?!Visit Kew Gardens.Another I’m not quite sure how it slipped through the net. Definitely this summer though!See a play at the Globe.Although I did mention it almost every time I walked past it if that counts?Visit the London Transport Museum.With the amount of time I spent in Covent Garden in 2018 I’m almost ashamed I didn’t tick this one off…Go to the Harry Potter Studio Tour.Note to self: Book this. You’ve been meaning to go since moving to London.Be producing regular content including stories on Instagram by the end of the year.I mean, I’ve not been anywhere near regular as attended. I mean, I only posted 57 times… And most of those were probably in December. So, yeah, one for 2019!Visit God’s Own Junkyard.Dang nabbit, did I actually do any of the “visit x place” ones on my list?!Take a trip to Bath. (I really didn’t see enough last time!).Much as the above. Oh dear Fran, oh dear.Finally watch the Oxford & Cambridge Boat Race. (Or, even better, the Goat Race…).Okay, so I watched it on the TV but I don’t think that’s quite what I meant when I wrote that list…Visit the Winter Garden at the Landmark Hotel.Next year I am 100% going to manage this. I’m even putting a reminder in the December page of my diary!Improve my work wardrobe (and stop wearing jeans to the office so much!).Let’s just say this, I’m currently finishing up this post in jeans and an oversized jumper on my lunch break…
So, all in all, I actually managed to complete or make progress to just under two-thirds of my goals, which, if you ask me is pretty good going! Especially when you consider out of the 11 I didn’t hit almost all of them were things I just didn’t book to do. What have I learnt from this? Well, maybe I need to put my bucket list for 2019 in my diary so I don’t forget about these things I fancy doing!
How did you do with your 2018 bucket list?
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