Normally I make a point of writing my “5 Happy Things” post before the month is out. But, due to a prolonged blogging break, it’s a little late this month. Never the less, June was a fantastic month and here are five things that really were the cherry on top;
Taking A Blogging Break
With how much I stressed out about this originally, I wouldn’t ever think that this would be a highlight from last month. But, stepping back and reassessing why I enjoy blogging and working on some new content ideas really has bought me back to loving this little piece of the internet with a passion I haven’t had in months. Plus, I’ve spent a lot of time doing non internet things without the guilt… Not as bad and definitely not worth the stress I gave myself when I lost my mojo.
Catching Up With Old University Friends
At the end of the month I found myself in a fabulous situation, not one but two of my best friends from uni where in London at the same time. With us all being on different working times, it’s hard for us all to get together. So spending a Saturday eating pizza from the Serpentine and having a few drinks was the perfect way to catch up. We even managed to befriend a few squirrels again! Then on Sunday, Becky and I headed over Hyde Park again. This time to see Justin Beiber at the British Summer Time Festival.
Rediscovering my XBox 360
Okay, so I know this console is now really old news. In fact, with the new release of an upgraded XBox One this year you could even call it obsolete. However, I recently had a few evenings to myself so re set it up in the living room and dug out some old favourites game wise. I forgot how much I loved South Park’s controversial humour in “The Stick Of Truth” and how Red Dead Redemption still stands up as a great game to this day. It’s even got me tempted to invest in the newer version…
Brighton Adventures with Leah
Since moving to London, a trip to Brighton has been on my to do list. And in June, I finally ticked it off! Leah and I went for a gorgeous brunch at The Breakfast Club to kick off a day at the beach filled with cocktails, pizza and great company. I took my camera and got lots of snaps too. After I finally clear my backlog from my above mentioned break – I’ll pop up a few posts on it too hopefully!
Finally Weighing Myself
So, I’ve probably already mentioned (quite a few times) that I decided to start Slimming World. However, one little detail I left out was that I was doing it myself from home rather than attending a group. There was one main reason for this, I was scared to weigh myself and actually have to put a number to the spiral of weight gain I’d had. After a trip to the doctors, I finally bit the bullet and started to weigh myself weekly. And, I never thought I’d say this, but I’ve weirdly started to look forward to it. Even if I do get a moment of dread after realising how much I’d indulged that weekend….
What’s making you happy lately?
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