One thing my closest friends know about me is that I’m a notoriously bad sleeper, to the point when I’d just moved to London that one of my friends started calling me a “fran-pire” because I would pretty much always answer their texts at any time of the night. (To be fair to me it was when I was working shifts rather than a standard Monday to Friday, more corporate role like now… but I guess the point still stands).
So, when I’d seen Feather & Down, the UK’s number one sleep brand, on the shelves of Superdrug it’s safe to say I was a little sceptical about how much they could really help. But, as the stars aligned, last week I was invited to check out their Suite of Dreams at the Sanderson Hotel and try some of the products myself I was equally excited and curious. So, let’s have a little look at what I got up to and if their products have managed to help me get a better night’s sleep…