So it’s been a while since I was regularly posting on here, in fact, I mean calling well over two years a while is probably the understatement of the century. In fact, I can’t actually say I feel very much like the same person I was when I started blogging, never mind the same person as when I was posting three times a week on here alongside my full-time job. So why am I back you might ask? Well, I’ve missed writing here!
I’ll share a little bit more below this and fill in what I’ve been to but first things first. Now I’m back, here’s what to expect from Frannymac.com going forward;
- Places I’ve Been. So travel diaries, places I’ve eaten, drank or stayed, touristy bits and if they’re worth it, that kinda thing. This isn’t limited to places I’ve travelled to as such, this will also be including lots of London highlights too!
- Things I’ve Enjoyed. Have I got stuck into a really good book? Saw something awesome at the theatre? Played a really cool game on my Switch I can’t stop talking about? Well, I’ll likely post about it here…
- Events Or Experiences. Along with my thoughts and, if it’s something like DragCon UK, my personal tips for when you go!
- Restaurant Reviews & Recipes. Okay, I know the first part is technically covered under the first point, but hey! Since making the choice to eat a vegetarian diet rather than pescatarian as I was a few years back, I get pretty darn passionate about food…
So, if you’re down for reading about the above, then stick around, I’ve got a good few posts in my drafts that should be up pretty soon!
Where Have I Been?
If you want to be a little nosy and know about what’s kept me away from blogging for such a long time, well I have to be honest. It was more than likely a long-time coming than I would care to admit. Back at the back end of 2019, I was not in a happy place whatsoever. I was burnt out, working a job that at the time I’d come to actively dislike being at and my physical health was getting dragged as low as my mental health was getting. It had gotten to the point where, despite my slightly irrational fear of medical procedures, I was actively looking forward to having a wrist operation in November 2019. Mostly, because it meant several weeks of recovery. And, in my mind, I could use this as a big old reset button and get my life back together.
My wrist operation came, was thankfully a success, and by the time I was getting my life back together. While battling over the anxiety mostly caused by the idea of going out as normal (and the fear of accidentally ending up damaging my wrist again), I made some huge steps forward over the months following. Cut to February 2020, I’d finally gotten back to working full time, started to enjoy my job again and was just about to change roles. (I’d even managed a cheeky night away with friends to Birmingham to see a drag show. Which was a massive step forward!) Then, well, we all know what happened at the end of February / beginning of March 2020… The entire world got shut down and stuck indoors.
Going Forward
To say I thrived working from home would be an understatement. In fact, I still do more days than not. However, it was silly of me to think that I could have gone from living an extroverted lifestyle before my operation to a fairly reclusive one recovering. Then to finally step back out into my old “normality” for a month or so only to end up under lockdown wasn’t going to have an impact on my mental state. I mean, I think it’s safe to say those years impacted us all in different ways.
I’ve spent a large amount of time over the last year or so working on myself and my confidence. & well, I finally feel ready and back to a stage where I want to share stuff from my life online again. If you read this, thanks for sticking around. This wasn’t meant to be a pity party, more just, this website was such a large part of my life for so many years. I thought it deserved an explanation as to where I’d been!
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