I’ve written this a little later in the month than normal, for no other reason than I’d unexpectedly found myself writing a little things in life post and they seemed to similar to post in the same week. (Even if this list comes with less bullet points and more photos!) Anyhow, I love looking back and reflecting over the happier moments of the past month. So, on which note, here are five things that put a smile on my face during March;
Fresh, sparkly nails!
What can I say, I’m a sucker for glitter. This bright pink glitter polish from Models Own may not be very spring like, but I love it all the same. Surprisingly, due to it being applied so thickly, a week and a half in and there’s not a chip in sight. Which, if you know how clumsy I am, that’s a pretty decent achievement.
Cupcakes at Peggy Porschen
You’ve probably, at some point, seen Peggy Porschen on your Instagram feed. After all, this pink cake shop in Belgravia is the stuff of Instagramable dreams. Between the pretty cakes, floral arrangements and bright decor, it’s hard not to snap a picture or two. I’m lucky enough to work round the corner from the Peggy Porschen Parlour and, as such, have been treating myself to a cupcake and a coffee whenever I need a special pick me up. Or a treat. Or when I don’t really have an excuse at all…
Either way, this lunch time to celebrate Christina’s birthday the girls from our team took a trip and boy, oh boy was it delicious! That strawberry and champagne cupcake? Absolutely divine.
RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 9
Okay, I’m sure I mentioned this in my little things post. But still. It feels like I’ve waited for an eternity for this to finally start. That and, for once, it’s going on Netflix the morning after it’s shown in the US. And, let’s be honest here, no one likes trying to navigate dodgy websites to try and watch stuff. So so many pop-ups. Anyway, the first episode had Lady Gaga as a guest judge and I can’t wait to see what the rest of the season has in store.
Having a cheeky payday Beauty Bay haul
So, I know that while I’m super stoked to have a Beauty Bay haul, my bank probably isn’t. But, that aside when the day before payday an email filled with offers I couldn’t resist. I picked up two new Jeffree Star lipsticks in Rich Blood and Androgyny which came with a free Skin Frost in Dark Horse and on the buy one get on half price replaced my Gerard Cosmetics Slay All Day setting spray as mines running low and picked up a lip liner in Cher for good measure. For the amount of product I got? It wasn’t as pricey as you’d think!
The recent good weather
I mean, everything feels better when the sun is shining right? Well, okay, maybe not everything but it’s certainly easier to muster up some good vibes when the sun is out. I’ve enjoyed spending lunch times in the park or checking out the local sights. That, and it’s got me excited for a weekend exploring the city, soaking up the sun and maybe even watching the boat race on Sunday…
What’s been making you happy lately?
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