The first week in lipsticks of 2017, and as I said in a previous post, the first to fall on a Sunday. I probably should have waited until one that didn’t fall on New Years Day. Oops, my bad. Anyway, although I’ve not been doing a massive amount compared to previous weeks, Santa bought me lots of lovely lipsticks I’ve been wearing over the holidays. (But, I mean, who has time for anything that isn’t eating their weight in mince pies. Or Christmas chocolates. Or yule log. Because, yum!)
Anyway, I’ll stop rambling on, here’s my week (& a half) in lipstick;
Wednesday – Huda Beauty Liquid Matte in Gossip Gurl. I know, I know: “Fran you’re mentioning this lipstick again” but I really do love it. (As my review probably gives away.) Plus, the lasting power was need as after work I had originally planned on grabbing pizza with a friend. However, with meetings over running our plans got cancelled. As I was towards Leicester Square either way, I headed to All Bar One for a cheeky cocktail before heading home.
Thursday – MAC Retro Matte Lipstick in Flat Out Fabulous. Thursday was my last day at work for 2016. (Even if I was keeping an eye on my emails..) So I decided a bright colour was in order. This cool fuchsia said more than I ever could about how excited I was to be taking a break (& that the next day was payday!). As it was also most of the managements last day, we had a few glasses of prosecco before leaving and obviously ended up at the pub.
Friday – Anastasia Beverly Hills Liquid Lipstick in Catnip. As Leah inspired my Anastasia Beverly Hills haul by telling my just how gorgeous their eye and lip products were, this was an obvious choice. We headed for brunch, champagne and shopping and this long lasting formula was the perfect choice for the day. Especially when you factor in how much wine was consumed..
Saturday (Christmas Eve) – MAC Retro Matte in Ruby Woo. Christmas eve, despite my only plans being coffee and wrapping gifts, called for red lipstick. Ruby Woo is seen as a classic for a reason, I don’t know anyone this blue toned red doesn’t suit. Plus, it helped me feel a little bit more festive while I pottered about the house!
Sunday (Christmas Day) – Huda Beauty Liquid Matte in Video Star. I’d, partly joking, when my mum asked “so what do you want for Christmas” sent her the link to the Huda Beauty section on Harrods website. Low and behold, in my stocking she’d picked me out this gorgeous bright pink and I just couldn’t wait to wear it. Much like my much loved “Gossip Gurl”, I can see this becoming a favourite of mine in no time.
Monday (Boxing Day) – Gerard Cosmetics Metallic Matte in Cherry Bomb. As we have family all over the country and, to be honest all over the world. Boxing day was all about video calling family. We spoke to my brother and his family in Denmark and my sister and hers in Glasgow. To keep in the festive spirit, I decided another bright red was in order. This time the metallic finish Cherry Bomb.
Tuesday – Kat Von D Studded Kiss Lipstick in Magick. The main gift from my parents was money towards buying myself a new camera. So Tuesday was spent looking around the shops for stock. Sadly, it seems like the Olympus PEN was really popular in the run up to Christmas and I couldn’t get hold of one. It does mean although I have to wait until the end of January. Hopefully, I may be able to get a better deal. As I was just wandering round the shops; I thought I would give my lips a break from liquid to matte formulas. Choosing instead to go for a more soft, comfortable lipstick.
Wednesday – MAC Satin Finish Lipstick in Spirit. Another day with not much planned that ended up in me heading to the shops wearing just concealer and nude lipstick makeup wise. Oops. I did however pick up some awesome knee high boots from TK Maxx for the tiny price of £17. I’ve been after a pair for a while and these were spot on, I couldn’t believe the cost when I got to the till. So I thought I’d go to the pub and finish up watching Making A Murder with a glass of wine in hand. Well deserved, if I say so myself..
Thursday – The Body Shop Matte Liquid Lip in Paris. While I was showing my mum photos from Leah and I’s trip to Farm Girl the week before, she suggested that next time we go there for our normal coffee and cake. So as we were both at a loose end, we hopped the tube down to Portobello Road. Unfortunately, we weren’t alone in planning a trip to Farm Girl and the queue must have been around 10 people deep to get a table. Rather than wasting the trip, we headed to the newly opened “gin hotel” The Distillery. I’m glad I chose one of my The Body Shop Matte Lip Liquids. As well, I needed something to last through a couple of gin and tonics.
Friday – Huda Beauty Liquid Matte in Material Girl. One of my best friends, James was lovely enough to buy me not one but two Huda Beauty Liquid Matte lipsticks for Christmas. Since unwrapping them I’d been waiting for an occasion to wear them. Well, as I was heading over to Laura‘s for a girls night of pizza and Netflix – this bold purple seemed the perfect choice. A few glasses of wine and a pizza later, it was still going strong. Plus I had a super fun evening which was just what the doctor ordered.
Saturday (New Years Eve) – Huda Beauty Liquid Matte in Icon. The original plan for New Years Eve involved heading over to Leeds to bring in 2017 with James and some friends. However, between being late back from Laura’s and Christmas not being fantastic for my finances, I instead stayed in with my parents. Even though I wasn’t planning to leave the house; I did a full smokey eye look alongside this gorgeous “your lips but better” lipstick.
Woah there, that’s a lot of lipstick swatches for one arm. Although with the extra week and a half, am I really surprised? Due to the festive holidays, I’ve bought in a lot more bold colours. Which, I really enjoy wearing and should do more often.
What lipsticks have you been loving this week?
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