This week was a real mixed bag. On one hand, it was stressful and manic. On the other, I had a lot of fun and finally got my paws on a new camera. Swings and roundabouts huh?! Anyway, here’s what I’ve been up to and my week in lipsticks…
(& my first blog photos taken with my shiny new Olympus PEN!)
Sunday – Too Faced Melted Matte in Lady Balls. Sunday involved, as all good Sundays should, a lazy morning followed by pizza. I spent the first half of the day between taking photos of my latest Love Me Beauty order (amongst other things) and watching Community on Netflix. In the evening we headed over to Santa Maria. The self proclaimed “London’s Best Pizza” is one of my favourite local restaurants, and I wanted to give this matte a challenge against their classic pizza (& a glass of wine or two!). Lady Balls makes me feel like a Lady Boss so it was the perfect colour for a day that I feel was a bit of a success.
Monday – Too Faced Melted Chocolate in Honey. With this being my first day back after four days out of the office, I felt like I deserved something sweet. However, with having just had four rather indulgent days before my waist line didn’t agree. So I settled for another one from the Two Faced Merry Kissmas set, the chocolate scented Honey Melted Chocolate Lipstick.
Tuesday – Kat Von D Everlasting Lipstick in Mother. Since Tuesday was Valentines Day I thought this dusty mauve pink was the ideal colour. Although, while my lips may have been feeling the love the rest of my day wasn’t. In fact, I didn’t feel like I had a moment to stop until I was on my way home. My fortunes did turn when I got home and ordered my shiny new Olympus PEN though..
Wednesday – Jeffree Star Cosmetics Velour Liquid Lipstick in Doll Parts. Carrying on from the pink theme of the day before, and because I faced a day full of meetings and doctors appointments. This cute pink gave me a little extra boost to carry through!
Thursday – Charlotte Tilbury Matte Revolution Lipstick in Walk Of Shame. Thursday was a long day. Not just as I was pretty darn busy & impatiently waiting for my camera to be delivered. As I’d had to leave early to make it to my doctors appointment, I ended up staying an extra half an hour at late. This comfortable matte looked a lot more perky than me at the end of the day. (I also did a full review on it here!)
Friday – Huda Beauty Liquid Matte in Video Star. Although I didn’t have set plans for Friday, who really needs an excuse to embrace the Friday feeling and rock some bright lipstick?! I forgot just how much I love this gorgeous Huda Beauty formula, it’s one of my absolute favourites! Anyway, I ended up at the cinema watching 50 Shades Darker, which was, well a choice…
Saturday – Anastasia Beverly Hills Liquid Lipstick in Catnip. Saturday was my mums birthday so despite her usual “I don’t want anything” I did manage to take her out for lunch and to pick out a gift. Talking of gifts, I also managed to get a few other gifts for later in the month using my stash of Boots points. A proud money saving moment for me! I wore Catnip, which, as my first Anastasia Beverly Hills lipstick I really ought to review.
As I was carrying on the celebrations from the previous weeks celebrations (as well as some from this week!) it’s been full of bright colours. No complaints here..
What lipsticks have you been loving this week?
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