With January being a bit of a dire month, I’m so happy to say that February was miles better. It involved seeing friends, way too much food and of course my birthday. And it’s kinda hard to be sad on your birthday right?!
Anyway, I really enjoy writing these lists of five happy things and looking back on the month just gone. So on which note, here’s a few things that have made me smile over the last month..
My First Ever Jeffree Star Cosmetics Order
After hearing so many good things about Jeffree Star’s liquid lipstick line, I finally caved and headed over to Beauty Bay to place an order. I picked up three of the Velour Liquid Lipstick and the Beauty Killer palette. I did use the excuse of it being a birthday gift to myself, so I felt that almost justified the splurge. As you’ve probably guessed from my last few week in lipsticks I’m completely bowled over!
I finally bought my Olympus PEN
Talking of gifts as I’m apparently hard to buy for, for Christmas my parents gave me money towards a new camera and for my birthday, towards the 45mm lens. Sadly, throughout January it seemed to be out of stock everywhere. But luckily for me, I found it in stock and managed to order it this month. I am incredibly happy with it so far, and can’t wait to see an improvement in my photo quality.
Finding Out That Kenan & Kel is on Netflix
Growing up, I can’t tell you just how much time I spent watching Nickelodeon. One of my favourite shows to watch was Kenan & Kel, so when I spied it on Netflix I mentally planned a day of binge watching. Because, “who loves orange soda? Kel loves orange soda, I do, I do I doooooooo!” Perfect Sunday morning watching, if you ask me anyway.
Seeing School Of Rock, The Musical
I feel like all of these so far have revolved around my birthday. Oops.But as it had been on my 2017 bucket list to see more of London’s amazing array of theatre shows and musicals and I had booked my birthday off work my parents and I headed over the New London Theatre to see School Of Rock, The Musical. I was absolutely blown away, and the way the story translated from movie to musical was perfection. I loved it so much, I’ve written a post about it that should be up this week!
& Finally – Moving Offices At Work;
Because as of this time next week I’ll no longer be working in Wimbledon as our office is relocating to Victoria. So not only will I be more central if I fancy being social after work, but my commute is 20 minutes shorter each way. And who doesn’t like an extra quarter of an hour or so in bed?!
What’s been making you happy lately?
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