I’ve never been one for five year plans or anything like that, but, back in January I decided to come up with 30 things that I wanted to do or achieve in 2017. Aka my 2017 bucket list. Being 5 months in, I thought it would be an ideal time to see how much headway I was making. As I blogged the original list, I thought “hey, why not blog my progress too!”. So in case you fancy a nosy, here’s how I’m getting on with the list so far;
Take more photographs.(Although really it should have been post more, my Instagram has been lacking!)Eat less meat.Take packed lunches into work more days than not.Cut down on using face wipes.(With this, ignore me using them last night because I felt super lazy. However, I’ve been buying a pack once a month rather than almost every week.)Go to see a comedy show.Improve my photography.Since buying my Olympus PEN I’ve really seen an improvement, but not as much as I’d like just yet…
I’ve made a habit of keeping my camera in my bag at almost all times, so thankfully I’ve hit all my photography related goals (well kind of.). I’ve also improved my routine and made sure I find room for proper skin care. Result!
In Progress;
- Say “yes” more. I’ve definitely found myself saying “yes” more than usual over the past 5 months – but it’s still in progress. I mean why stop now?!
- Keep my planner up to date (and utilise it more!). I’ve not managed to make it the blog and life planning tool I wanted to just yet – but I do keep all my plans, notes of what I’ve done and important deliveries in it. A real improvement from last years unorganisedness.
- See at least three musicals or shows. Wicked at the end of April and School Of Rock in February!
- Read at least 20 books. I’ve read 5 books so far, so not quite on track. I’m gonna take this as motivation to download some to my Kindle app tonight!
- Put a decent amount into my savings. I mean, talking money can be a little vulgar – but I’ve made a start?
- Feel happier with my diet / figure. As I mentioned in my last “5 Happy Things” post, I’ve recently started Slimming World and I’ve already seen a big difference.
- Stop letting the idea of doing something on my own put a halt to something I want to do and be brave enough to go it solo. I’ve gone to gigs, comedy shows and all matter of other things solo so far this year but I feel a real challenge will be something like heading on holiday…
Some great progress, hopefully in another 5 months I’ll have almost all of these ticked off too!
Still Left To Do;
- Complete a month long makeup spend ban.
- Go on at least five short breaks, preferably abroad.
- Spend more time volunteering than in 2016.
- Go to the top of Primrose Hill.
- Go on a trip to Brighton.
- Make my wardrobe more “me” and donate anything I don’t wear.
- Visit Kew Gardens.
- Go to Notting Hill Carnival.
- Take a trip to Paris.
- Watch a tennis match at Wimbledon.
- Go on a digital detox.
- Visit The Natural History Museum.
- Complete a blog challenge such as “BlogMas”.
- See a play at the Globe.
- Visit Copenhagen.
- Brave walking over the glass floor on Tower Bridge.
- Finally go to BYOC.
With 17 left to go / start, I’m not doing too badly if I say so myself. Especially as a few (aka Wimbledon etc) have time constraints and dates attached. Next challenge? Probably the long over due makeup spend ban….
How have you got on with your goals for 2017 so far?
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