Yet again this happy things post comes a little later in the month and yet again it’s due to my decision to write a “Little Things In Life..” post. Oh well! I mean surely you can’t write about too many things that make you smile right?! With the recent good weather and bank holiday, well, there’s been plenty of reasons to be happy of late…
Booking tickets to see Wicked
I saw Wicked with a friend back when I first moved to London and I found it to be utterly amazing. So when my dad made plans to be away for the weekend, I decided to treat my mum to tickets. I’m just hoping it’s half as good as I remember!
Fitting into my new jeans
I make no secret out of the fact that I haven’t been happy with the way I look for quite some time. A lot of it comes down to the weight gaining spiral that breaking my wrist three years ago left me in. For the first time in years I’m starting to lose weight and actually see the difference. It’s barely a drop in the ocean of where I want to be, but everyone starts somewhere right?!
Updating my “blog prop” stash
Does anyone else find themselves getting bored of their photo setup more often than not? No? Just me? Oops. Anyway, after reading Leanne from LPage Beauty‘s post on her photography set up I ended up buying lots of faux fur from eBay to change up my normal photo style a little. I went a little crazy and picked up on metre of white faux fur and some sample strips of grey and pink. I’m already considering buying both in full size!
Having the four days off work (for the Easter bank holiday)
It feels like forever since I’d had a proper break from work. And well, with having 23 holiday days left to play with this year, I haven’t really it seems. So I really, really, enjoyed having four days off to relax. The only down side is it’s got me itching to waste a few holidays just to replicate the feeling of an extra long weekend next month…
Binge Watching Real Housewives
As you may already know, I love a bit of reality TV. Recently, I’ve reactivated my HayU subscription and I’ve been enjoying spending lazy Sunday mornings watching all the drama. Currently, I’m binging on Real Housewives of Cheshire and the Real Housewives of Sydney. Love it!
What’s been making you happy lately?
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