Oopsy, so this 5 Happy Things is a little late. So, errm, sorry about that. It’s not at all like me to put off writing any of my monthly posts, mostly as they’re pretty theoretic to write in all honesty. But this has been sitting half written in my drafts for far too long so I thought I best get it published (and then start on looking back on November in better time!). I guess partly as I’d spent a large chunk of October feeling under the weather…
So without further ado, here’s a little bit of a delayed list of 5 things that made me happy in October.
Finally Ordering A Light / Soft Box
So you know how I said above that I’ve been super behind on content? Well to help battle that I invested in something that will help me take photos when I get in from work. I mean, I can’t be the only one finding it tough with the lack of natural light right?! I can’t wait to try it out (and hopefully get myself caught up!) Plus it was a bargain, so if it helps, I’ll share a link with anyone else who wants to pick one up…
A Day Of Cheese, More Cheese & Camden
When I wrote this draft I hadn’t thought my latest “hometown tourist” post would have been done and posted. But, here we are! I mean, it was a super fun day so I don’t feel at all bad about mentioning having such a fun, cheese fueled day with one of my favourite blogging friends!
Tale as Old as Time Afternoon tea
You know how I mentioned in my last “happy things” post about going to the Disney PANDORA launch party? So, not only did I get to check out the collection early and take home a gorgeous necklace to keep. But the team also took a group of bloggers to the Tale As Old As Time afternoon tea at Town House at The Kensington. I won’t go into too much detail as I have a post going live soon, but I mean, have you ever seen such a photogenic afternoon tea?!
Sorting Through My Make-Up Stash
I realised on top of being a little behind on my blog in general, I haven’t done a beauty post in forever! So I’ve made a point of sorting through my beauty stash ready to get some content up soon. That and I put in a cheeky Colourpop order so I’m sure I’ll have to justify it with a post or two…
Seeing The Heels Of Hell Tour
If you read my blog (or have nosey’d at my Instagram) you’re probably aware I’m a huge fan of the art of drag. That, and a total RuPaul’s Drag Race fan girl. Therefore you’ll often spot me at London shows. The Halloween “Heels Of Hell” tour featuring Trixie, Alaska, Courtney, Jinkx, Willam, Sharon, Aquaria and a host of UK talent it was one heck of a show. I had an absolute blast and can’t wait for the next one!
What’s making you happy lately?
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