With everything going on with the whole global pandemic thing, I’ve found it pretty hard to sit down and catch up on my blogging. Never mind looking back on posts like 5 Happy Things / Little Things In Life where I look over happy memories and feeling almost guilty if that’s the right word because of how much I took simple things for granted. But, I know I’ll regret it if I didn’t catch up (because I’m a total completist sometimes…). So, over the next few days, I’m going to get my foot on the gas and get these posts as close to up to date as I can. After all, without the time commuting into the office I’ve got a heck of a lot more free time in the house…
But for now, here are five happy things from September;
Getting A Red Ombre
I took the plunge and finally, after thinking about it for months, went and got my hair dyed into an ombre. My hair is stupidly thick normally, so whenever I’m in the hairdressers it’s not a quick thing. But, I saw an offer at the local Rush for up to 50% off colour if it was booked on a certain day. After checking this covered what I wanted to be done (which it did, on highlights, balayage and ombre!) and by some stroke of luck seeing that the discount was on tomorrow and they had an appointment. Well, I booked and took the plunge. Safe to say I absolutely love it and can’t wait to get it topped up when all this lockdown stuff is over.
Upgrading To The iPhone 11 Pro
I’m gonna start off with arguably the biggest one from this list. I was very naughty and, due to being up for an upgrade on my phone contract only went and swapped to the iPhone 11 Pro on release day. I thought the camera on my old iPhone X was good, but oh my word, the iPhone 11 Pro truly blew it out of the water. When I upgraded I did promise myself, since I’d gone for that, I’d take a lot more photos for the ‘gram on my phone. & While I’ve maybe not uploaded as much, having it in my pocket has made me a little bit more snap-happy… (Oh, & you may be wondering what the above cake has to do with this point. Well, it was one of the first photos I took with the camera that I went “oh wow, that third lens does make a difference!”)
Customizing My Macbook Case With Stickers
This might sound like quite a silly thing to get excited about. But hey, I mean, this is coming from the girl who literally rights 25 happy little bullet points about each month online. Since I bought my Mac around 5 years ago, it’s always been sitting in a plain pink hard shell. And, although it was cute, it was a little dull. And, after Drag World weekend the previous month, I’d picked up a load of stickers. So I decided to put them on the case along with ordering some new ones online. It now just makes me so happy to look at whenever I get it out! (Also, since writing I’ve added a load more. Oops…)
Doing Lots Of Cooking & Baking
As a wise person once said, “cooking is good for the soul”. And I’d be inclined to believe them. Over September I spend a good chunk of my free time in the kitchen and really enjoyed myself. In fact, looking through my camera roll it seems like I’ve not really stopped since I got that bug in September. Maybe this means you’ll be seeing a few more recipes on my “food & drink” tab while I’m getting caught up on posting now I think about it…
Buying A Nintendo Switch
Gosh, September was a spendy month wasn’t it… (I can’t quite think of a particular reason as to why. But hey I’m just going to go with treat yo’ self. Or maybe we all just deserve to spoil ourselves sometimes?) Ever since the Nintendo Switch was announced I’d been tempted to get one. I’d spent far too much time as a kid on both my Gameboy playing Pokemon and Harvest Moon and on my Nintendo DS playing, well pretty much the same plus Cooking Mama! But after thinking about it, September was the month I finally bought one. & then spent most of my evenings playing My Time At Portia and Pokemon: Let’s Go Eevee. Absolutely 12/10 purchase one something I still play almost daily.
What’s making you happy lately?
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