With December just around the corner, I’ve spent some of the past week working on Christmas related content. It’s been hard not to just constantly show my excitement by wearing red lips day in day out..
Anyway, it’s been quite a hectic week so I guess that calls for another week in lipsticks huh?!
Wednesday – Kat Von D Everlasting Lipstick in Berlin. On Wednesday night I headed over to Oxford Street, a brave move considering the amount of Christmas shoppers around. However it was for good reason. I spent the evening learning about decorating at a John Lewis “Treetorial” session. (More on that on another post!). After this we headed up to the roof garden to the Mac & Wild garden for some Christmas cocktails. This gorgeous pinky red saw me through and all the way home, bonus.
Thursday – MAC Matte Lipstick in Candy Yum Yum. After such a lovely evening out the night before, I was looking forward to a night snuggled up watching The Apprentice. As I was feeling pretty bright and bubbly myself, I thought this bright pink was the perfect way to show it.
Friday – Anastasia Beverly Hills Liquid Lipstick in Catnip. If you regularly read my week in lipsticks posts (if you do, thank you so much!) you’ll already know this little beauty is one of my favourites. I picked it up on my MyMallBox haul a few weeks back and I’ve been wearing it weekly ever since. Anyway! Friday night was spent at the Vuelio Blog Awards. I had a fantastic evening and met some great people. You can expect a little more on my night at The Brewery over the next few weeks..
Saturday – NARS Satin Lip Pencil in Rikugien. With a slightly fuzzy head, I didn’t feel like wearing too much makeup on Saturday. Instead, I put on a little tinted moisturiser and this satin finish lip colour and headed out to get my nails done. (& a Christmas coffee because, why not..)
Sunday – HUDA Beauty Liquid Matte in Gossip Gurl. Another regular feature of these posts, #SorryNotSorry. This gorgeous girlie pink has some pretty impressive lasting power, so while my mum and I had a girls day it seemed a great choice. We headed up to the John Lewis roof garden and over to HipChips for lunch before a late dinner at Santa Maria. Then a nice relaxed evening in front of the TV was just what was needed. In case you missed it, I did a full review here.
Monday – Charlotte Tilbury Matte Revolution Lipstick in Walk Of Shame. I love this berry tinted rose, from the package to the scent, everything about it just screams glamour. And, let’s be honest, who doesn’t need their Monday to be a little less drab and a bit more glam?! (I also reviewed this little beauty a few months ago, here.)
Tuesday – NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream in Amsterdam. You know how I said that I would definately not buy any more lipstick this week? I may have lied. When I was picking up a few Christmas gifts I’d ordered online, I noticed I had enough points on my card to treat myself to a new lipstick. I just couldn’t say no to this bold red and it ended up in my basket. Anyway, I had planned on spending the evening at a restraunt opening however due to a few cercistances of the evening, Erica, Viki, Leanne and I ended up just going for Pizza.. Which was great fun either way!
Okay, so it seems I have a few firm favourite colours when it comes to my collection. Next week I’m going to shake it up a little more.. Well I say this, I wore an old favourite today, but still!
What lipsticks have you been loving this week?
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