At the start of the year, we’re all beginning to think about what the rest of the year might have in store for us. (I mean, I’ve got my bucket list post for 2019 ready to show you all in the next week!) And, I don’t know about you but I find planning a lot of fun. But, even with all the excitement and plans, you might find that you’re a little tough on yourself and your progress in the year just past. (Like at the end of 2018 when I set myself fitness goals I didn’t hit. And I didn’t travel as much as I wanted. Oh, and I was still in the same job role.) But before you beat yourself up and set your 2019 off to a bad start I’m here to say instead you should find the positives and leave all that bad stuff in the past. Where it belongs. Because it’s definitely important for you to think about what you want to do this year and what you’re going to get out of this. And yes, this is for just about any and every area of your life – including travel.
So, it’s time to ask yourself – have you made plans for the year ahead? Do you know where you want to go? Do you have a rough idea of how you’re going to make it happen? And, most importantly of all, are you pushing the boundaries to actually do something spectacular? If not, read on…
Where To Go
To start with, you need to have some kind of idea of where you want to go. And don’t hold back. Don’t let yourself skimp because you’re worried about affording it. (Like the blow the budget travel wish list I made for 2019. Seriously, take me to the Pig Beach in the Bahamas and I genuinely think I’d die of a cuteness overload…) Take that worry and toss it to the side. Instead, think about where you really want to go and what you really want to do. From a luxury beach trip to Santorini to a trip to New York to see the lights at Christmas – think big. Because your plans will allow you to make this happen.
What To Do
But that’s not all, you’re then going to want to think about what you might like to do when you’re there. And yes, you’re going to have to do a bit of research for this. But this is the easy (and if you’re like me, fun) part. From boat rental in Miami Beach to Vatican tours in Rome, there are always going to be those ‘must-do’ things in the location you’re going to. So make sure you know what you want to do, and plan out a bit of an agenda for it.
How To Prepare
But before you start dreaming about jetting off, you need to make sure that you’re ready. And, depending on where you’re going or what you want to do, this could be different between everybody. You might want to learn some of the language, shop for any extras you might need or in some cases even get the necessary medication. Just make sure that you’re ready to go!
How To Do It?!
I know, I know, making all these wonderful plans and having a positive “I can do it!” attitude is great and all, in the slightly paraphrased words ofJoe Lycett, “Sadly, “hopefully (I can afford it)” doth butter no parsnips.” But it’s not all positivity and imagining how good it’s going to be to be boarding that plane. Although, having that end goal helps. Many places do allow you to book with a deposit and pay up until a few weeks before. But, if you’re paying up front you’ll need to put some money aside. I recently discovered an amazing spreadsheet by Money Saving Expert to help you plan your budget and see where you can save that extra cash. I didn’t realise how many places I was overspending. For example, if I spent half the amount I did last year on going out after work for food and drinks then I could have bought a ticket to LA. How ridiculous is that?! I should have used that to save up for an amazing trip away!
Even if it’s not a holiday your saving for but something like a house, car or even just cutting up your credit card. I know 2019 is going to be your year!
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