As I mentioned in my 5 Happy Things for September, with the release of the new iPhone XS and iPhone XR I finally upgraded my phone. I mean, it was about time as my trusty iPhone 7 was on its last legs. I mean, with its broken speaker after a fall into a soapy bath and a screen with a corner crack after another fall (this time not into a bath!). I’m surprised I didn’t cave and upgrade earlier… Anyway, I digress, around the same time an email popped into my inbox from Three. Asking if I’d like to go on a Photowalk around Shoreditch and learn a little more about the cameras in the latest iPhones. Well, it seemed like ideal timing right? So on this post, I’ll share some cool tips I picked up, some photos I took and also some locations that I’ll definitely be heading back to for outfit posts!
Shoreditch iPhone Photowalk with Three
Our day started with the group meeting at Old Street station. Here we found the lovely Kelle from Three and Rob, the professional photographer who would be our guide for the walk. Before setting off we were each loaned either an iPhone Xs or an iPhone Xs Max. With my previous phone having a cracked screen, I was a little worried about being trusted with a brand spanking new iPhone Xs Max. Luckily for me though, Three had us covered. Each phone was in a Tech 21 case, which is designed to protect your phone from any drops. *Phew*.
For the first part of our walk, we headed down towards Rivington Street stopping to look at various street art on the way. Here we picked up our first trick from Rob. The iPhone X range has a dual camera so rather than using the zoom function which removes some of the photo quality you can click the little (1x) circle above the camera button. This will then switch the camera used and zoom in without removing the quality. To get back to normal, just click the (2x). Honestly, this changed the game for me. I feel like I’ve mentioned it to anyone I’ve asked to take a photo for me too!
Rivington Street To Bricklane
With this new found knowledge under our belt, we headed towards Bricklane. (Obviously, with a few stops outside instagramable locations for photos. It was a photo walk after all!). Here we spotted yet more street art and posed for some shots. For once I was actually prepared and packed my canvas bag with a different jacket, some sunnies and a book or two. (Although, to be fair the book was for the tube not so much for the ‘gram, but still…)
We played about with using Portrait mode and using the new depth of field settings. Portrait mode uses both lenses to create a more DSLR like photo. While it’s excellent for portraiture, we also found it great for taking photos of objects and playing with perspective. Normally I’d have to put my camera in my bag to hope of getting that kind of effect!
Boiler House on Brick Lane
After trying some portrait shots with the group, some landscape with the various street art our next stop was food photography. For this we headed over to Boiler House on Brick Lane. Not heard of Boiler House before? Neither had I, by name at least. But for context it’s a street food market in Brick Lane were you can find all manner of different cuisines. This included loads of veggie and vegan options too, which is always a bonus in my book. Personally, I went for noodles with veggies and veggie dumplings which you can see in the photo below. I’ll be honest here, I once I saw what other people had picked I had major food envy. (Not helped by the fact that I went a little too heavy handed with the chilli…). But, I’ll definately be going back again to try some of the other options too!
Yup, you see that red there? Chilli sauce. I wasn’t lying when I said I went heavy-handed…
After our pit stop for food, we headed back towards Old Street Station ready to head home and try out all the new techniques we’d learned! Thanks again to Three for a lovely day!
What are your favourite photo techniques?
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