Let’s be honest here, we’ve all seen the adverts for the lottery and found yourself lost in a little world of what you’d do if a few million pounds landing in your bank account. In fact, in the run-up to pay-day, it’s a usual talking point in our office while we’re talking about how we really shouldn’t have made that huge Deliveroo order the other day. So on that note, I thought I’d share what the top 5 things I’d do if I happened to win the Euromillions this Friday…
Finally Focus On Passing My Driving Test (& Buy A Car!)
Even though some of my friends will tell you that it’s probably for the best I’m not on the road. But, there you go. I’ve been putting off re-taking driving lessons due to being a little scared of the London roads and, let’s be honest the per hour cost and time it takes. So ideally, if I won the lottery I’d take an intensive course of lessons. Then, obviously, I’d have to treat myself to my dream car. Or, well, maybe something smaller and more sensible as my first would make more sense…
Visit Everywhere On My Travel Bucket List
As you might have guessed from my recent European travel bucket list, the list of places on my “to do” list is seemingly ever growing. I chose to be conservative and create a list of ones for that post that I thought I had half a chance of actually managing. In reality though, with a couple of million pounds sat in my bank I’d love to travel all over the world. Top of that list would be Japan, a return trip to New York, Las Vegas, Thailand and Australia. Maybe one day huh?
Treat My Friends & Family
I mean, this is an obvious one surely? But I’d have to spend a portion of my winnings on spoiling my friends and family. After all, my parents have done so much for me that I’d love to pay them back in some way for the lovely things they’ve done over the years. When it comes to my friends, I think they deserve a holiday so I’d probably plan us an epic trip somewhere with lots of sunshine. And cocktails. And things to do by the beach.
Buy My Dream Home
Since they were revamped, I’ve been lusting over a set of six bedroomed townhouses at the end of my road. (Not the one in the photo – that’s up near Portobello Road, I don’t want to put anything that gives hints as to my full address up online. For, you know, obvious reasons.) One, in particular, this being the corner house with gorgeous white bedroom shutters. I often find myself looking at the photos online and the brightly lit, sleek modern interior in contrast to the rustic indoor shutters is right up my street. I’ve already mentally got plans to turn the large basement room into a “Fran Cave” cinema room with a retro popcorn machine, bar with neon lights and a pool table. So, here’s hoping if my numbers finally come up that it’s still for sale…
Go To LA Drag Con
If you’ve been on my blog, or social media, in general, you might already know that I’m a huge fan of RuPaul’s Drag Race. So when I heard about RuPaul’s Drag Con in LA (and now in New York too!). So seeing the adverts pop up for are making me wish I could go along too! I mean, a trip to LA would be great, but even better if I could combine it with getting to meet some of my favourite queens.
What would you do if you won the lottery?
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