“The little things? The little moments? – The aren’t always little”
This month has been insanely busy, so it took no time at all to flick through my diary notes and find 25 things that put a smile on my face. From day trips to the seaside to nights out where I danced until I couldn’t feel my feet (or until I ended up trying to help a man with a dog who’s scared of hats find a money exchange on the night bus… No I can’t quite explain that one either!) it’s been a blast. I could have gone on for another twenty odd points, but for now, here’s a few little things that have made me happy this month;
“It’s The Little Things In Life”
- A trip to Brighton with Leah. (More on that on a post later!)
- Malteser ice cream.
- Rewatching Bad Education. Jack Whitehall though ♥.
- Work ordering us in donuts. (Even better when they’re Crosstown!)
- It almost being time to see Justin Beiber at British Summer Time festival.
- Celebrating fathers day, all be it a day late, in Covent Garden.
- The new coffee place that’s opened at my local tube station. It’s fantastic and great value.
- The drag race finale.
- Going for Yo! Sushi at lunch.
- The sunshine, and finishing early enough to enjoy it!
- Going for a few drinks in the park with some of the work lot.
- Rediscovering MUA cosmetics.
- Winning a free donut from Krispy Kreme at their slot machine pop up.
- Having a complete ball at “drag week” with friends.
- Stabucks’ Mango Iced Tea.
- Making friends with the squirrels in Hyde Park.
- Long soaks in bubble baths.
- Finally being confident enough to weigh myself.
- Lazy days by the river.
- Getting pampered at Cheeky with Chambord. (More on that later this week!)
- Nando’s beanie burgers with halloumi.
- In fact, halloumi in general…
- Meeting Courtney Act!
- Coffee at Grind.
- Managing to find some awesome bargains on Amazon. Result!
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