As you may have noticed, I’ve been a bit quieter on the blog front than I’ve wanted to be lately. It’s not like I set out to have a blogging break but between having a stressful few weeks and very little time to myself I’ve found inspiration lacking. While I do have days where I spend hours scribbling down things that have popped into my head, there are times that my inspiration just seems to dry up. So to help myself get over this, I started making a list of possible post ideas and in no time I found myself itching to write again. So, for anyone else who maybe suffering a slight creative block (or just looking for a few ideas), here’s 15 blog post ideas;
- Lists. Back when I did a list of 9 things I learnt at the #BigBloggerConference, I mentioned how both search engines and reader love lists. They break down the content making it easier to read and I personally find them great for brainstorming. Some post ideas include 5 favourite products, 10 things to do or your goals for the next year but you write a list about just about anything!
- Wishlists. Talking of lists, wishlists are great for when you’re not only not feeling very inspired but also when you’re not feeling so flush. Head to Polyvore and come up with a list products that fit a certain theme and why you chose them.
- Outfit or Face Of The Day. Happy with the way you’ve done your makeup or what you’re wearing? Snap a few photos and share it on your blog.
- Twitter Chats. Each and every twitter chat has a topic, so why not read, get involved and then post about it? They cover everything from lipstick to photography to mental health and everything in between so there’s always room to pick up inspiration. Not only this fellow bloggers share their links at the end of the chat meaning you’d got plenty of other posts to read too.
- Trending Topics. In a similar way to the point above, you could discuss a viral video or news story and give your thoughts.
- Share Some Love. While you might not feel much like penning your own content, you could always share some of the posts or blogs that you’ve enjoyed reading. Not only is it surprisingly easy to write about why you enjoy a blog but it’ll make definitely bring a smile to the face of anyone you feature.
- Guest Posts. Rather than sharing bloggers and links that you love, you could ask some of your favourite bloggers to contribute.
- Everyday Products. Rather than writing about new buys or releases, why not about your tried and tested products that you use day in day out?
- “What’s In My..”. I always find “What’s in my Handbag / Suitcase / Hand-luggage / etc” posts super interesting and in the case of holiday related ones, a great resource before going on a trip. I shared the contents of my handbag a few weeks back if you fancy a look.
- Recipes. Made something yummy recently? Why not share photos and the recipe so other people can enjoy it too. It doesn’t need to be food or something you’ve cooked, you could always share your favourite cocktail or smoothie instead!
- A Trip You’ve Been On. Or somewhere you’ve visited. It could be an excuse to go out, have some fun and clear your head a little or to share photographs and thoughts from a while back.
- Interview Someone. Know someone with an interesting job or a fantastic blog? Or even with a hobby people could learn from? Why not ask them a few questions! Lauren at BlondeVision.co.uk does a great example of this with her career series.
- Tutorials. If you have a few tips on anything be it how to create cute nail art, perfect your eyeliner or figuring out the settings on your website odds are on it will make a great post and be helpful for some of your readers.
- A Cult Product You Didn’t Love. Controversial but if you don’t like that MAC lipstick or the new palette everyone’s raving about, why not write about just why it wasn’t your cup of tea and your favourite alternatives.
- Instagram / Photo Roundup. Sharing a selection of photos from your month, week or day and writing about them are a great idea not only to let your readers nosey at what you get up to offline but also should put a smile on your face while you recount over some happy memories!
If you use any of these ideas post the link below, I’d love to read them!
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These ideas are great for those days when you're completely lacking on creativity but you do need an idea! I think wishlists are my fave! Great post 🙂 xx
these are all great ideas!
Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥
Great ideas! I always find post ideas that I love to read, but for some reason don't end up doing myself haha. Weird. I'm gonna have to start 😛
Great ideas! Thanks for sharing them!
Great post Fran 🙂 As bloggers we sometimes tend to go through writer's block so these are some great ideas X
love blog idea lists, thanks for posting this one!