In some ways, being able to make an income from blogging is an absolute dream come true. (And something I certainly didn’t think I’d do when I started sharing my rambles online!) Spending my evenings writing about what I’ve been up to, still makes me as happy as when I started and my heart still lights up when someone compliments my little slice of the internet. But, benefits aside, turning your blog into a business is far from easy. In fact, I still daren’t even think about the idea of going full time yet. Because, well, it means taking full responsibility for your earnings. And I still love the stability of knowing what’s in my monthly pay cheque. But, if you are looking to be a little more productive in terms of your blog, I’ve shared some tips below!
Routines Help Foster Your Creativity
When I first started writing, I just wrote whenever the mood took me. (And, I bet if you’re a blogger you felt the same way!) But, if you’re looking to turn your blog into your career then you need to make sure that you’re writing regularly enough to sustain yourself. And, my best advice for this? Make sure you get yourself in a routine that works for you!
Much like my typical office routine, my blog one is designed to kickstart my creative process and ensure I’m able to achieve the day’s plans. While mine in the office is starting with a green tea, checking my emails and making sure my sales pipeline in check my blog one isn’t much different. At lunchtime, I pour myself a coffee, check and reply to emails, edit photos and create header images. If you really want to look forward to that hot drink while you start your work, you might want to sign up for something like the coffee subscription service from Two Chimps Coffee. They deliver weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, depending on how much of a caffeine fix you need. Adding little things you look forward to can really make getting up and at it a little easier!
Have An Upload Routine To Help Reader Numbers
If you rely on your readership for your livelihood, uploading on a regular schedule is a must. Not only do they help your readers know when to come back, but they also help out with SEO. It may even help you manage your accounts by ensuring that the majority of your income rolls in on those set days. So, get out your calendar, and work out which day (or days!) would benefit your blog the best. My goal is to get back to Monday, Wednesday & Fridays meaning new content over on FrannyMac.com…
Schedule Breaks To Help Beat Procrastination
As the phrase goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. (Gosh, I didn’t think I’d be quoting The Shining over on this post of all places, but here we are!) Scheduling in breaks and really help keep yourself productive and beat procrastination. If you’re writing with no end in sight, it’s way more tempting to take a social media break, pull up YouTube or catching up on that Whatsapp group chat. But, if you know you’re having a break in an hour then you’re way more likely to be able to continue working until then. Using those breaks to relax and check on those things are likely to stop you procrastinating later and make the most of the time until your next break.
Hopefully, blogger or not, these tips help out with your productivity levels too!
How Do You Stay Productive?
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