No matter where you look in the news, there’ll often be a segment or an article telling you just how much you need to love and appreciate your partner. Now, I’m not saying this isn’t important because it very clearly is, but what about showing love and appreciation the other important people in your life. Namely, your friends, because according to a recent study, our friends actually know more about us than our partners. Which is especially true within female friendships. It’s not surprising if you think about it really. Well, because who do we turn to most in times of trouble and who’s been there for us through thick and thin? Our friends. I mean, I know the first person (or people) I ask for help with a problem is my friends WhatsApp group or texting my bestie. Sometimes people forget though, these relationships need nurturing just as much as our romantic relationships. So here are five little ways you can reach out and show how much you care;
Little Notes Or Cards
Maybe it’s because my best friend and I are self-confessed stationary addicts, but still. We are terrible for buying each other cards. (I swear at this point we should have shares in Card Factory…). I think last year we both got each other three birthday cards, just because we’d bought them throughout the year and forgot about them. Oops. Little notes or cards are a great way to show you care as well as letting you know you’re rooting for them on bigger occasions such as work promotions, birthdays or holidays.
Little, But Thoughtful Gifts
Taking the card idea one step further, a well thought out gift really can make a friends day. These don’t have to be expensive, simple things such as a bar of their favourite chocolate (or, in another example, whenever I come back from Denmark I bring my friend some Pålægschokolade. Which is a type of chocolate slice you put on toast, in case you’re wondering!) or something you bought because it reminded you of them. It just shows that you’ve been thinking about them and that can mean a lot.
Make Time For “Mates Dates”
Making time for your friends is important. And, while I’d love to say I see all my friends as regularly as I should, I really don’t. What with some living the other side of the city, and some the other side of the country. It’s not practical for us to see each other every week. So, whenever we can make plans to hang out, even if it means missing out on some well-needed rest, I’ll always try and make time. Whether that be getting glammed up and going for a boogie or something more relaxed. Like a Saturday coffee date, grabbing a drink after work or chilling with take-out food and a movie. Making time out to have those “mates dates” can remind your friends that you’re there for them and give you both a proper chance to catch up and unwind in a way you quite simply can’t via text.
Be Their Biggest Fan
Okay, this might be the blogger in me, but still. It can be a real boost when your friend leaves a comment on something you’ve posted. Whether it be a selfie on the ‘gram, or status on Facebook make sure you always leave them some love. When they’ve made an effort and look their best, whether that be street fashion or pre-night out glammed up with one of their favourite dresses on. You making an effort to compliment how well it suits them, that you love their outfit or that that colour really pops with that handbag can put a huge smile on their face. I know that when I’ve put an outfit post on the ‘gram that someone telling me they love what I’m wearing or that I look great it makes my heart flutter a little. After all, who doesn’t feel special when they get a pop-up complimenting them. It really can make the difference to someone’s confidence and how their day is going.
Last But Not Least, Don’t Forget Them
Just like any relationship, if you let yourself forget to devote time to your friends I can be frustrating for them. (And let’s be honest, we’ve all had it happen to us at some point!) In reality, although the above ideas are all great, sometimes even just popping them a text to see how their day is going will help remind your friends you’re there for them. Friends are important and well, that’s why it’s so important to put as much effort into them as any other relationship. Because, after all, where would we be without our friends?
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