If you asked any blogger if they’d had a moment where they considered deleting everything and throwing the towel in, you’d be hard pressed to find someone who hadn’t. And, I hate to admit it but I had this moment over the past month or so. Everything with work and life seemed to be bogging me down and I would pull out my laptop and notepad but despite coming up with some post names I just couldn’t write anything that I felt proud to publish. In fact, sometimes, I couldn’t bring myself to write at all. Thankfully, due to a few realisations I’ve started to get my blogging mojo back and thought I’d share some tips I used for getting over my blogging slump.
- Remember, most of the deadlines you set are made by you. At one point I was feeling really guilty if I didn’t post 4 times a week (3 posts and one weekly roundup). Four. Posts. A. Week. All of which being between 300 and 700 words. That’s like producing an essay for uni every week on top of working full time. And it was that point I realised – when you look at your deadlines you have in place, the most ridiculous ones are the ones you set yourself. No one is going to be knocking down your door because you didn’t Instagram your breakfast or post about the lipstick you’ve been wearing that week… (Obviously it goes without saying, if you’re working with a PR try your utmost to keep to those deadlines.)
- Write about what makes you happy. Even when I’ve struggled with my blog, I’ve found writing my 5 happy things and little things in life posts have always been a pleasure to write. Not only that, after writing about so many good things that have happened, it always gives me a reminder of what’s gone on that month and some ideas for posts relating to them. Always a bonus!
- Go on an adventure. Or just somewhere you enjoy and take your camera. It’s not a definite that you’ll feel inspired to write about your day; but getting out there and having fun can certainly help you feel a bit more creative.
- Talk about it. Message your favourite blogging buddy and see if they fancy a coffee and a catch up. You can bounce ideas off each other and maybe even shoot some photos together.
- Don’t forget that, you’re your own harshest critic. No one, and I mean no one looks at your blog with the same level of criticism as you. That typo? Likely no one saw it. The photo you thought was a little bit plain? Someone is probably thinking “photo goals”. Odds are on you’re the only one thinking negatively about your little piece of the internet.
- Read some of your favourite blogs. & hopefully, they’ll help you fall a little bit back in love with blogging again. Plus, pop ’em a little comment and some love too. You never know if they’re feeling a little doubtful too!
- Talking of reading, try some of your old favourite posts. They’re a great reminder that you can create fantastic content and you can do it again.
- Don’t put pressure on yourself. As with most situations, the more stressed you get about it the less enjoyable it comes. Making blogging feel like a chore will instantly make it less fun. Put the laptop away (or close the blog tabs and load up Netflix) try not to think about it and come back to your post another time.
- Try stepping out of your blog niche. Sometimes the only thing that’s limiting you is your own doubts. If you’re not a beauty blogger but really want to write about a new lipstick you bought? Do it! If you’re normally all about fashion and want to share a new brunch place you found? Go for it! Rules are made to be broken!
- & Finally, stop comparing yourself to other people. I know it feels disheartening when your Twitter and Instagram feeds are full of your favourite bloggers putting out fabulous posts and you’re sat wondering why you can’t find any inspiration at all. But as Theodore Roosevelt wisely said “Comparison is the thief of joy.” So instead of sitting comparing yourself to other bloggers, just read and enjoy. It’s not a competition and you never know, one of the posts might even relight your creative spark.
Have you had the blogging blues before? How did you get over it?
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