My First Ever Hostel Trip at Generator, London || Travel

My First Ever Hostel Trip at Generator, London || Travel

At the end of February, the team at Generator invited myself, along with a selection of other bloggers, to stay at their London branch and celebrate National Public Sleeping Day. Confession time – when I heard the word “hostel”, I used to have a very snobby perception of what staying at one would involve. A grubby dorm with very little personal space, while having to keep an eagle eye on my belongings. This however all changed last week when I visited the Generator Hostel on Tavistock Place, London. (Spoiler alert: It’s gorgeous, modern and super friendly. The complete opposite of my original thoughts on what a hostel would be like.)  After looking at the swoon worthy photo on their website I snapped up their invitation.

So here’s how my first ever hostel stay went;

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My First Ever Hostel Trip at Generator, London

A short walk from Russell Square, you’ll find Generator. Although it’s in a busy part of London, close to both Euston and Kings Cross stations, it’s set back off the road down a cobbled alleyway. Heading down said pathway and up a set of stairs you’re greeted by a reception with travel shop. This sells any essentials you may have forgotten or over looked such as plug adaptors and padlocks, so not to worry if there’s anything you forgot to pack. Once I was checked in, I headed over to the room. The other girls and I were sharing a 8 bed large dorm, and to be honest, I was surprised at how roomy it felt.

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The team at Generator had put on an evening of entertainment for us in their chill out / cinema room. (Which, if you’re staying on a Tuesday or Saturday plays host to regular and classic movie nights.) After learning a little more about Generator, their ethos and their current and soon to open locations it was time to make some cocktails. These included an old fashioned and popcorn infused whiskey. If you fancy, I’ll make a point of blogging the recipes. Just let me know!

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As our trip, and National Public Sleeping Day, fell on Pancake day – we also tried our hand at making pancakes. Let’s just say, mine weren’t as successful as hoped. But hey, at least my cocktails turned out well! 
My First Ever Hostel Trip at Generator, London || TravelPin this image on Pinterest

While some of the group headed off on a pub crawl, our group decided to grab some food and head off to the bar. After some yummy (& reasonably priced!) dinner we spent the evening playing Heads Up and listening to the awesome nineties and naughties songs with a drink or two. If all hostel stays are this good, I can’t wait for my next!

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Staying with Generator, London

A nights stay with Generator starts at £20 for a bed in a large shared room, with a few pound more for a smaller shared room or a female only dorm. Not a fan of sharing? Well, twin rooms go for £66 with an extra £15 if you fancy your own en-suite. A few more of you? Quad rooms are £92, so ideal for if you’re planning a group trip!

So, staying in London doesn’t have to break the bank after all..

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Other Generator locations

Generator is in eleven European destinations currently including Berlin, Dublin, Paris and Venice.  So before you book your trip and splash out for a pricey hotel, see if there’s a Generator near by and check out this unique hostel vibe for yourself!

Thanks again to the team at Generator for making me feel super welcome and hosting a fabulous evening. I can’t wait to book my next trip!

Have you stayed at a Generator Hostel before? What did you think?

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*I was invited for a complimentary stay by Generator. All opinions, as always are my own. 

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