Quick & Easy Hummus Recipe || Food & Drink

Quick & Easy Hummus Recipe || Food & Drink

If there’s one thing I can just eat and eat and eat, it’s hummus. Be it with crackers, carrot sticks or being a little more extravagant and on crusty bread – it’s just so moreish. It’s also one of those items that I pick up on every shop in various flavours but have never even thought to have made my own until I saw someone mention it on Facebook. With this light bulb moment I decided to hunt down a recipe and try out making hummus for myself.

Quick & Easy Hummus Recipe

What you’ll need;

  • 300g can of chickpeas (for larger cans adjust the recipe slightly).
  • 2 tsp of tahini.
  • 1/2 tsp of sea salt.
  • 3 tbsp of olive oil.
  • 1 garlic clove.
  • 1 lemon.
  • Paprika to dress (although this is optional).

What to do;

  • Drain and rinse the chickpeas in cold water to clear off any excess from the can and pour straight into the food processor.
  • Squeeze the juice from one lemon, crush the garlic clove and add these along with the tahini, sea salt and olive oil.
  • Blend until it’s your chosen texture and put into a bowl.
  • If you wish to sprinkle with paprika and then it’s ready to eat.

This whole process only took around 7 minutes in total (well – ten if you factor in me getting the lid stuck on the blender), so it means it’s ideal to take with veggies or crackers for lunch or even just to whip up for a snack. Most of the ingredients, minus the tahini, I had in the cupboard and it costs less than a pound a portion all in. If you find hummus a little plain normally, you can always throw in some extras for flavour as this is such a versatile recipe. My favourite at the moment is to add a few sun dried tomatoes and chilli.

Have you ever made your own hummus before?  

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  1. November 20, 2015 / 2:19 am

    I've never made my own hummus, but this looks absolutely amazing! I'll definitely try it out soon!

    Caroline | carolinevsworld.blogspot.com

  2. November 21, 2015 / 4:32 am

    Hummus is so delicious but I've only made it one time before. Thank you for the simple recipe. Have a happy weekend!! :]

    // ▲ itsCarmen.com ▲

  3. July 3, 2016 / 8:24 pm

    I haven’t made my own hummus but since I live on the stuff I really want to give this a go now – it’s looks so good!

    Laura xx | Loved By Laura

  4. July 10, 2016 / 3:45 am

    This looks delicious! I love hummus, but the kind you buy pre-made at the grocery store gets so old. My stepmom makes delicious tahini, I will have to show her your recipe so she can try this out too!