As you may have noticed, I’ve made some big changes to FrannyMac.com over the last few weeks. The biggest of which is now finally finished, I’ve moved platforms. While I loved Blogger with it’s simple, easy to use interface I am a self confessed nerd and found features where often limited and updates were rare. So with this in mind, it was really only a matter of time until I jumped ship from Blogger over to be self hosted at WordPress.org. Although it was a little bit confusing at first and I worried I’d lost everything and thrown away all my content, it all worked out a-okay in the end. If anyone’s interested in making the move themselves I have a post in the pipeline explaining just how I did it. First I want to make sure there were no little bugs that I’ve missed..
After feeling like a kid in a candy shop looking at various layout opinions (Etsy is a dangerous place for my bank balance), I finally decided to stay with Pipdig’s Minim template. I always loved the choice of fonts, faded menu bar and all round clean feel of Minim so as the old saying goes “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”. Although all of Pipdig’s templates are easy to customise, I was shocked at just how much more control you have on WordPress. I spent a good hour just trying to pick which gadgets I wanted in my top bar and if a grid layout would look more professional..
Anyway, I just wanted to share how chuffed I am now that it’s all complete! & I’ll be back to posting more of my normal content this week!
Have you made the move from Blogger to WordPress before? How did you find it?
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Ah your blog looks fab! I recently made the move too, I love how much cleaner and sleeker everything looks on WordPress- plus I also feel like it’s easier to control everything. It was slightly confusing though haha! I hope you continue to enjoy using WP! 🙂
Sian xx Cakey Dreamer