Although I love living in London, I have to admit that at times it can be a little lonely. While many of my friends live in city, us all working long days teamed with an hours travel each way and the lack of a night tube sometimes makes it difficult to just to make spontaneous dinner plans or pop round to share a bottle of wine. So when I was having a bit of a down day last week, I almost rued the day that I moved from having some of my best friends only a ten minute walk away. However, I sat myself down and decided to focus on some happier things and it really help shift my bad mood. So I thought I’d share some of the things that have made me smile lately;
1. Trying new places – Like Grind in Covent Garden where I met Amber for a coffee a few weeks ago. Even though, as my blog probably gives away, I am always keen to try new things and places when lunch time rolls around or when someone suggests grabbing a coffee I am often guilty of seeking out the nearest Pret, Starbucks or Costa. Thinking about it, I’ve never regretted trying somewhere new even if it was only to quash my curiosity. I’ve realised that sometimes it’s easy to forget that shaking up my normal routine doesn’t have to involve a big change but instead can be as simple as treating myself to a coffee and trying somewhere new.
2. Upgrading my Fitbit – I may not seem the sporty time (spoiler alert: I’m not) but when I noticed a weight gain I wasn’t happy with about 18 months ago I decided I needed to do something about it. With my long commute, finding time for the gym was hard and instead I thought hitting 10,000 steps every day and eating less than I burned was the best route for me. While I am not exactly going to be walking for Victoria’s Secret anytime soon, thanks to becoming a fully fledged Fitbit addict I am a lot happier with myself than I was back then. As I used it day in and day out, my old Fitbit Charge was falling to bits and I even ended up securing a broken strap with electrical tape (so all together a bit grim looking). So last week I decided it would be worth investing in an upgrade, and used some of my Boots points towards the new Fitbit Alta and so far I am completely in love with how sleek it looks and feels compared.
3. Shopping for holidays – I discovered this week that I am a holiday hoarder. No, not that I buy and keep too many souvenirs but instead that despite booking Christmas, Reading festival and a few long weekends off from work I still have three weeks of holiday left to take before the end of the year. This means I’ve been spending my evenings and lunch breaks browsing holiday providers trying to decide just when and where I should go which has needless to say left me ridiculously excited.
4. Freshly done nails – & having a nail salon upgrade. Normally, I get my acrylics done at a local salon which is what could best be described as “cheap and cheerful”, while they do a good job without breaking the bank it’s really pot luck to what your experience will be. Some days I get a lovely chatty lady doing my nails and other it’s someone who doesn’t talk while there is no joke a child running round the place screaming. Instead when I had an early finish I visited a spa salon near to work and although it was almost double the cost I came out feeling relaxed and pampered. The colour I’m wearing is a Seventeen cosmetics gel colour in Emerald Tropics and I absolutely love it. Plus, I’ve had it on nearly a week and there’s no sign of any chipping or damage which is absolutely fantastic with how clumsy I am.
5. Busy weekends – Although as I said above that I’ve been feeling a little isolated and down lately; I’ve been living for the weekends which over the last month and a half have been jam packed to say the least. I can’t remember the last time that I had one without plans with the last month being host to all sorts of adventures including family visits, a BBQ with friends, a bloggers trip to Street Feast, #BloggersBall and a visit from my best friend where we sat and talked about everything from boys to beauty over a glass or six of wine. While every day can’t be a fun filled Saturday, I’m just going to remember that those times that are a bit mundane or I feel slightly low make days like that seem even better..
What’s made you smile lately?
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