As I’ve probably said a million (okay, maybe just about 12 previous times) 5 Happy Things is one of my favourite posts to write. And, since I’m currently spending the day feeling a little sorry for myself having a proper lazy day. Well, it seemed like the ideal time to write it and add some cheer to my day. On which note, here are some happy things from the month just gone.
The Disney x Pandora Launch
There are two bits of jewellery I wear everyday. My silver “FrannyMac” necklace my parents got my for Christmas last year and my Pandora bracelet which I treated myself with my first pay cheque at my apprenticeship many moons ago. So when an email from Pandora landed in my inbox safe to say it was one of those “OH MY GOSH” moments. Especially when I saw it was the DO See The Magic launch of their Disney collection. I won’t go on too much as I have a post coming up shortly. But just to say – it was definitely a highlight!
Rediscovering ColourPop Ultra Matte Lips
When I bought my first Ultra Matte Lip from ColourPop, I was hooked. The lasting power was insane and I quickly ended up buying more. However, I don’t know what sparked it but I simply stopped using them in favour of other lipsticks. Maybe it was the drying formula that put me off? Either way, after sorting through my lipstick collection I rediscovered Donut and Midi and I’m obsessed all over again. Sure, they’re a little drying so I need to balm before. But these babies do not budge so are ideal for wearing to work. I mean, I need something that’ll last through 3 coffees before 10..
Partying Like A Pirate
I originally was going to pop up some of the photos from the party on here as the image. But, with the amount of rum consumed I don’t think that’s good for anyone…
Anyway, after a few months of planning our pirate themed company summer party went off without a hitch. (Although the following day I can’t say was as smooth – hangover ahoy!) I enjoyed helping out planning so much I volunteered to help with the Christmas party too. What can I say, I love planning things!
Watching The Great British Bake Off with Cake
I don’t know what it is about The Great British Bake Off, but I’m obsessed! It’s become a Tuesday night tradition that I’ll save my treats for the day to enjoy a couple of sweets / cake while I watch all the action from the tent. I didn’t think I’d enjoy this series as much due to the lack of Mary Berry, Mel and Sue, but surprisingly I have. Probably due to really enjoying Noel and Sandy’s senses of humour.
Seeing The World Premier of Goodbye Christopher Robin
Okay, I know the above gif is from Winnie The Pooh not the film Goodbye Christopher Robin, but hey. I couldn’t find any that weren’t taken from Tumblr to use. (I’m always a little iffy with taking content from there / crediting. Kinda like using images from Pintrest…) Anyway, my friend Sophie text me as she had a spare ticket to the premier and asked if I’d want to go with. I wasn’t exactly dressed for the occasion but I wasn’t going to let that make me say no. The film itself was wonderful and the experience of being at a world premier was incredible. Such a fab evening!
What’s making you happy lately?
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