Let’s be honest, no matter how long you’ve been blogging for, we all have moments where it feels like all our inspiration to write and create dries up. I’ve been lucky recently and in getting myself a little more organised, I’ve managed to get back towards to a regular posting schedule. Aside from this, I also realised what I can do for a quick boost of inspiration. So I thought I’d share six of the things I do when I’m feeling like I’m running out of blog post ideas;
6 Things To Do When You’re Lacking Blogging Inspiration
- Take a trip somewhere new. Or just go somewhere you haven’t been in a while. When I’m feeling like I’m flat out of ideas, you’ll often find me hopping onto a tube to a place I spied on my Instagram discover feed. I’m lucky that London has such an array of things to do, but even before I moved to the city – visiting a new area or even just trying out a new coffee shop or cafe left me feeling more inspired. (& gave me things to snap for my Instagram too!).
- Spend some time in the kitchen. Make your favourite dinner, even if that is just your special recipe for mac and cheese. As long as it’s not like my “special” spaghetti that set my kitchen on fire. Or try a new recipe and share the results. I mean, I’ve bought Tanya Bakes because someone blogged their favourite recipe from there. It’s not shady, or cheating, if you give credit.
- Read your favourite blogs. A super obvious one but still. Have a look at posts you love and see if it helps spark your creative fire. After a hardcore blog reading session, if you’re still not feeling it? Why not tweet or message a blogging friend and ask their thoughts. Aside from that, ask to meet one of your blogger babes for a coffee. You can both bounce ideas off each other and have a fun afternoon while you do.
- Look through your camera roll. Because let’s be honest us bloggers have a reason for that “snap happy” stereotype. I can’t count the number of times I’ve taken a camera out just because and ended up writing a post about it a week or so later. Plus, when you’re feeling a bit of self-doubt a look at some happy memories can really lift your mood. In fact, I’ve got a post coming up on some mood boosting apps in the next week or so.
- Sort through your makeup bag. I know most beauty posts feature shiny new, just out the box pieces. (Because photos, right?). But personally, I also love hearing about products you know are tried and tested. That lipstick you picked up on a whim and actually found yourself wearing all the time? The blush you got in a beauty box that became part of your daily routine? Or more controversially, the things you wish you’d not spend your money on… The list goes on. (& bonus, if you’re a hoarder like me. Well, you might be able to make some extra cash putting your unused bits for sale. Plus, Blog Sale post!)
- Don’t stress about it. At the end of the day, for most of us at least, blogging is a hobby. Don’t let something that’s meant to be fun stress you out. The more you’re enjoying it, the more likely you’ll find yourself putting pen to paper. Or should that be fingers to the keyboard..
What are your top tips for when you’re in need of blogging inspiration?
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