“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.” — Helen Keller
I’m not even going to start with a joke that this post is pretty much 10 months later than I’d wanna publish it on a normal month. Because, well, it just writes itself at this point! But, as you might have seen, things got a little quiet around here for a few months. (I’m sure you can all think of various reasons and goings-on over the last six or so months as to why…) so let’s step back down memory lane and have a look at the October 2019 edition of It’s The Little Things – which at this point should just be called “an ode to Fran’s completionist attitude”…
“It’s The Little Things In Life”
- Getting the date for my wrist operation (which, probably explains a lot!)
- A gorgeous “Naked Burrito” bowl from Tortilla for lunch.
- Playing the Lego Batman game, the Lego games are always such fun!
- Hells of Hell tour with Cat and Millie. I go every year, my regret this time was not booking the day after it off…
- Watching American Horror Story – Coven. One of my favourite series of the show.
- Baking Smarties cookies, yum!
- A lovely order from my friend Cheryl’s brand Shadow Moon Cosmetics.
- All of the memes that came about from that one Colleen Rooney tweet… “It’s Rebekah Vardy’s account” is still so iconic.
- Hanging out with Stu & George attempting to go to the Pokemon Centre. (But being put off by the snaking queues!)
- Iced coffee. Because, it’s always a good idea.
- Working from home on a Friday, back when this was a rare treat rather than the norm…
- Finally starting Breaking Bad. I know, only a little late on that one!
- Trying a new foundation out and getting my makeup done at the MAC counter.
- Evenings watching The Great British Bake Off with a slice of cake. Because, well, it’s a great excuse for cake.
- My cousin Olivia’s wedding. & oh my gosh it was stunning.
- Binging my way through The Good Place after my cousin Roseanne recommended it at said wedding!
- Discovering the parents and I’s favourite Thai delivers. & Obviously ordering this as soon as we found out…
- Meeting Stuart’s friends Zay & Adam.
- & Us all going to Alton Towers which was a TOTAL blast!
- Then spending the next day having a great big breakfast followed by a movie binge before heading home.
- Listening to episodes of the Full Of It podcast on the tube.
- Enjoying a lovely warm bath with lots of bubbles and lighting some candles.
- The Apprentice starting again – one of my favourite tv shows for so many reasons.
- Oh and talking of favourite TV shows, the UK version of Drag Race finally dropped. (& to date it’s been one of my favourite series’ of the shows multi-country run!)
- & last but not least Halloween, I spend it at a “Tea Bag” Drag Race viewing party with Cat then going out out… The perfect end to the month!
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