As I mentioned a few posts back, I’ve been helping organize our offices Christmas party (and have for the last few, what can I say, I love a good party!). Aside from that, I’ve also inherited arranging our departments annual Secret Santa and helping ensure that employees the London office opt in or out of the office-wide one. Since then and setting the budget, I feel like everywhere I’ve looked recently I’ve seen potential gifts depending on what colleagues I happen to end up buying for. So, rather than keep all these ideas to myself and written in my notepad in case, I thought I’d share them here in case you’re lacking in inspiration for what to buy your for your office secret Santa…
The Safe Bets
As much as I make an effort to get to know everyone in the office, there’s always one or two people that if you draw them in secret Santa you have no idea what you could possibly get them. Here are five “safe bet” gifts that fall in the standard £5 to £10 budget;
Hot Chocolate Mug Set. I feel like every store that has a Christmas gift section has one of these available. I mean, it’s no wonder. You really can’t go wrong with a mug and hot chocolate. (Just make sure if you’ve got someone who’s potentially a veggie, vegan or doesn’t eat pork that if it comes with marshmallows they don’t have any animal derived gelatin in!). Alternatively, you could buy a mug you think they might like and make your own set to be sure.
Stationary. Let’s be real, you can never have too much stationary. A lovely notepad and some matching post-it notes will always come in handy. If I’m ever stuck for a gift I find myself raiding places such as Paperchase for something practical but aesthetically pleasing!
Fancy Teas. I’m not sure if it’s just our office, but people in ours are really passionate about their hot beverage options. Got someone who is always around the kitchen? Have a nosey in Whittard’s, T2 or online and see if they have a cute tea collection box. I can think of a lot of people in my team alone who’d be more than happy to receive that as a gift.
A Really Nice Tin of Biscuits. Most of these five seem to be revolving around hot drinks, and well, that’s because I can’t think of a single person who doesn’t enjoy some form of hot drink. In my mind, that makes them a proper “safe bet” gift. You know what people never seem to buy themselves but always enjoy receiving (and eating!)? A really nice tin of biscuits.
Chocolate Model Elf/Santa/Reindeer etc. Everyone loves chocolate right?! Getting someone a hollow festive chocolate model is always a winner if you’re not too sure on what to buy for your colleague.
The One Who’s Always Down To Go To The Pub
We all have that one (or more than one, let’s be real here!) colleague who when somebody mutters the words “does anyone fancy a drink after work?” they will be there with bells on. (I mean, I’m probably that person to be completely honest…). So here are 5 ideas for if you happen to draw one of those people;
Whiskey Stones. I actually hadn’t heard of these before it came round to fathers day and while buying him a bottle of his favorite malt whiskey, these came up in recommended items. I added them to the basket to give him with said bottle and since then they’re always ready and waiting in the fridge. Simply, if you don’t like ice with your whiskey, pop a few chilled ones of these in and it will keep it cool without diluting. Genius!
Stuff to Pimp Their Prosecco. Prosecco is great. But do you know what’s even better? Prosecco you’ve made extra fancy! Things like shimmer powder that turns their drink glittery or fruity bubble balls to add to the glass. More of a gin lover? They have similar products for pimping you gin too… You could even get custom labels printed so they can customize a bottle!
A Craft Beer Set. More of a beer drinker than spirits? All sorts of breweries do gift sets so you get to try, and hopefully love, a selection of their brews. I personally head to the local Sourced Market for this kind of thing. But, most supermarkets do these too!
Cocktail Recipe Book. If you’ve got to buy for the kind of person who always orders a fancy sounding drink even if they’re not quite sure what’s in it then a cocktail recipe book is the way to go. You can get a general one, one themed around a certain ingredient or even for making mock-tails ready for dry January…
A Cocktail Scented Candle. Because a candle in a cute tin is always a winner. Even more so if it’s all the smell of their favorite drink without any of the hangovers!
The Cool Things They Wouldn’t Nesserarly Treat Theirself To
A Frame For Their Desk. As sad as it is, we see our “work family” more than our actual family. That’s why, in our office at least, we’ve all done a little bit of decoration to make it more “homely”. For example, I’ve got a pot with my stationary in and a RuPaul Funko Pop along with some cute notepads. So, a frame for them to put on their desk might just be ideal.
Novelty Socks. Does anyone actually buy their own novelty socks? I don’t think you’ll find many that do. A safe bet, but if you know enough about them to buy something sock-wise they’ll enjoy you’re onto a winner!
An Unusual Mug. “But Fran, you put mug in this list earlier!” I know I did, but that was the kind containing hot chocolate. This is more the kind that has a funky slogan on, or in the case of the kind of ones we’ve got in our pod totally impractical to drink out of that are now used to store pens. I’ve got my eye on a unicorn one…
A Desk Plant. You know how I mentioned up a few points you spend more time at work than at home? Well, this is why it’s nice to put a little bit of greenery on your desk. Plus, you can give it a name & if you’re me get really upset when the cleaner knocks it over and kills it, RIP Barry the Cactus.
Cheese Board or Cheese Knives. I don’t think I know a single person who owns a cheeseboard that didn’t receive it as a gift. If you know, like most, they enjoy cheese, pop them a set under the tree and I’m sure they’ll be chuffed.
Are you doing an office secret Santa? What have you bought or buying as your gift?
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