#MiraMoments – An Evening With Mira Showers || Life Lately

#MiraMoments - An Evening With Mira Showers || Life Lately

After a long day at work my favourite way to unwind is by pouring a nice warm bath ready to wind down for an hour or so. My favourite thing to do is pop myself an ice cold Diet Coke in a mini float, (or if it’s later in the week, a gin and tonic doesn’t go amiss!), pull up one of my favourite shows on Netflix and completely zone out from the outside world. So when I was contact by Mira Showers about their #MiraMoments evening, all about making those relaxing moments even better – well I popped it straight in my diary!

So, here’s what I got up to when I spent an evening with Mira Showers at The Parlour Room in SoHo;

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#MiraMoments – An Evening With Mira Showers

To start the evening, Mira Showers gave us all a white fluffy robe to wear and directed us to the bar where they had a selection of unique fruity cocktails. They had the Mira Tai, a take on a Mai Tai made with dark rum and tropical fruits, the Pina Coda, as you might guess a version of a Pina Colada, the Element Cooler the non-alcoholic option made with raspberry and lychee and final, my favourite the Switch Sling a twist on the classic Singapore Sling made with gin and cherry. The perfect way to start the evening in my opinion!

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After enjoying a drink and a catch up with some of the others in attendance, I simply couldn’t resist having a massage. The team were fantastic and truly did take all of the built up tension out of my shoulders. I always forget just how enjoyable a back massage is. Especially after a particularly stressful day at work…

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A Midas Touch Craft Masterclass

Feeling hugely relaxed I made my way over to meet the lovely Naz from Midas Touch Crafts. If you’ve not heard of them before, they specialise in classes and workshops with everything from glass engraving to making your own cosmetics. We were shown how to make two products, namely a body exfoliator and massage balm. It was fascinating learning about what the natural ingredients do and certainly made me think twice about the amount of chemicals in my every day routine.

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Thank you to Mira Showers and Midas Touch for a wonderful evening!

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