I have a slight unicorn obsession. By this I mean I’m normally the girl tagged in the comments of unicorn just about anything, and in fact I write most of my post ideas down into my unicorn patterned notepad. So when last year I saw lush release the Unicorn Horn bubble bar, I knew I’d have to try it. Some how though, I didn’t manage to make it to store to get one last year. With this I swore as soon as I saw they were back in stock that I would treat myself. Well, walking past my local store last week I spied a display of them in the window and finally got my paws on my much coveted bubble bar.
But, was it worth the wait?
Unicorn Horn – Lush Bubble Bar
Lush’s Unicorn Horn was originally released last year as part of the Valentines Day collection. This magical looking Bubble Bar looks good enough to eat with stripes of pink, blue and yellow finished with a light silver glitter. Despite what the selection of bright colours on the outside may lead you to believe, this little beauty turned my bath pink. Which, as you can probably guess, was right up my street.
Aesthetics aside, Unicorn Horn contains a dreamy combination of lavender and neroli oils. This not only gives it a powdery, floral aroma but the lavender oil works to relax you while the neroli oil is said to increase serotonin levels in the brain. You know, that things that make you feel all bright and happy like that first bite into a chocolate bar? I can’t explain the exact science behind it, but I know it certainly left me feeling perkier after a long day at work. You could even say it was pretty magical.. *wink*.
Unicorn Horn costs £4.25, and like most of Lush’s Bubble Bars, will last for two or even three baths depending on the size of your tub. However, if you’re anything like me, you’ll end up using it all at once. What can I say, I just really really like a bath filled to the brim with bubbles..
Have you tried Lush’s Unicorn Horn yet? If not, what bubble bar is your favourite?
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