However, today I have a job that as a child I would never have imagined myself doing. I work for a car company as an account manager; a job I love. & then there’s this blog, which is practically a second job, that I love equally. So when I was contacted by Workwear Express about creating a Blogging Uniform I was excited to be involved. Unlike most jobs, blogging doesn’t have a set uniform or dress code, I mean most of my blogging is done with my hair up, pjs on and makeup off or drafted on my commute. So when I received a parcel with some goodies to help make blogging a little easier along with a super comfy hoodie to do it in, I was chuffed.

Blogging has, since I’ve moved to London become a massive part of my life and helped me become a more confident person. Before moving I’d had a few “friends” in my life that were treating me pretty badly, a job where I got shouted at every single day (ladies and gents; telemarketing isn’t for everyone and it certainly wasn’t for me) and to make matters worse, after leaving said job to find something better, I broke my wrist and because of being unable to do much ballooned up by two dress sizes. I really needed something to shake myself out of the rut I could feel myself slipping into and this came by my parents asking if I wanted to move to London with them to stop my dads large commute. When I was all settled, had my cast off and found a job minus doing all the tourist bits, I really needed a hobby. This is when I found myself blogging about things I’d been doing and treats I’d bought myself until I eventually found @LDNmeetup and psyched myself up to attend #MyChocBloggers. Since then, I’ve attended a lot of other events, met a lot of new people and really started to feel a sense of pride when it comes to not only how my blog has grown but how I’ve grown as a person along with it.

If you’d had said to me back then that I would be the kinda person who’d turn up to an event with the knowledge that I might not know anyone, that I’d take a bath in public, I’d work with some amazing brands and that I’d have made an excellent group of friends that I’ve got not one but two holidays planned with; all through this little corner of the internet, I probably wouldn’t have believed you. I’ve still got all of the fantastic parts of my life I had before I started blogging; but now I have that, a group of new friends and a real sense of self confidence. While I may not have achieved my childhood dream of being a vet, blogging will certainly do.
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What a nice parcel to be sent! I always find it so funny thinking back on what we all wanted to be as kids, they're always so wacky/a really unrealistic idea of what the job actually is!
Laura x
Ah that's so sweet, I blog in my pj's too haha. Love the little coffee cup too haha xx
Tamz |
lovely parcel! Really helps make blogging even more enjoyable!
Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥
I loved reading this post. When I was little, I wanted nothing more than to grow up and be a famous author or features writer for a magazine. I lost my way on that one, and in some ways, I'll always be gutted that the dream never became a reality! I'm currently in my final year of study in law at uni, and have no idea where I will end up yet! Scary!
Laura | Lala London: Beauty & Lifestyle