As my lack of posts (and completely disregarding my posting schedule) may give away, offline I’ve had a lot going on. While there have been some wonderful things that have really put a smile on my face, there’s also been some moments I had just want to curl up in a ball and eat all of the chocolate in the world. So with this in mind, as I’m heading off for a weekend away with friends this weekend, I thought it would be the ideal time to focus on the positives. On which note, here’s five things that have made me happy lately;
A long weekend at Center Parcs
You know sometimes you just need a get away from your normal routine? Well, along with 9 other bloggers I’ll be spending this weekend in a cabin in Longleat forest. While I adore London, I can’t tell you how excited I am to shake up my normal routine. Last time was great fun and I have no doubts that this time will be just as good. Although, this time I will actually remember to put the memory card in my camera..
Treating myself to an iPhone 7
Although there was nothing particularly wrong with my iPhone 6 and it had been my trusted companion for everything from events to social media over the last two years. The storage was becoming an issue and when I came up for upgrade this month I couldn’t resist treating myself. So far, it’s perfect for me. I always liked the size of my 6, so it being around the same was ideal. Plus, the camera is better, I’ve got enough room for all my favourite apps and the battery life is so much better. That, and it came in pink (well rose gold). Obviously.
The Apprentice being back on TV
While I love a whole catalog of reality TV shows, The Apprentice is quite possibly my favourite. I now look forward to heading home and getting my PJs on to snuggle up by the television on a Thursday night.
A night in SoHo with James & Laurence
James is one of my dearest friends and we don’t see each other anywhere near enough. (He does get bombarded with my totally witty overload of texts daily though..). Anyway, he’d come for a weekend away in London and on the Saturday I headed into SoHo to meet them. As they they’d over run a little before, I ended up heading to the Italian restaurant they were dining at for a glass of wine and a dessert before we got the evening started. Without too many details, a night fuelled by cheap white wine meant we ended up staying at Ku until closing, going on a hunt (and finding!) macarons at 1am, taking a rickshaw to the casino, me winning £60 and ended in me falling asleep on the night tube. Oops.
After a stressful month, this was exactly what I needed and reminded me why I really need to see my friends more often!
Presenting the best Instagram prize at the #Beauty20 awards
Last Thursday, I spent the evening at the absolutely gorgeous Bvlgari hotel in Knightsbridge networking with different beauty brands and influencers while enjoying a stunning 3 course meal. As I had been on the judging panel, I was also asked to present the “Best Use Of Instagram” award on stage. I was sharing a table with some of the beautiful girls from Soap & Glory, and it was an honour to present them with the prize. Because, let’s be honest, their feed is total #goals.
& on that note, writing this put a massive smile on my face..
What’s been making you happy lately?
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